On Page SEO

Starting at $500

Enhance your online presence with our On-Page SEO service. On Page SEO targets individual web pages, offering improved rankings and increased organic traffic. Through content optimization, HTML source code refinement, and website structure enhancement, we prioritize a seamless user experience while boosting visibility on search engine results pages.

Basic On Page SEO Features

Targeted Keywords

By targeting specific keywords it’ll be more likely that potential customers will find you. 

Optimized Code

Optimizing the code on your website helps search engines scour your site to decide to recommend it.

Image Optimization

Optimizing your images on your site helps search engines push your content to the right audience.

Open Graph Tags

Open Graph Tags help social media websites understand how to show your website to others. 

Local SEO Support

With our On-Page SEO services, your business gains an advantage in the local market. By optimizing your online presence, we can elevate your visibility in local search results but also enhance your presence on platforms like Google Maps. Give your customers convenience as they easily locate your store and even plan their journey to reach you. It’s not just about being found; it’s about being found easily and conveniently. We fine-tune your local information, making it easier for search engines to recommend your business, thereby increasing your chances of attracting more customers.

Show Up in Your Local Search Results

Be Found in Google Maps Results

Get more customers to your store

Google Maps Route Planner

E-Commerce SEO Features

Stand Out on Google

Why hope for Google to push your product when we can ensure they do?

Close More Sales

By ensuring you stand out on Google, we can make sure you close more sales.

Easier to Find Items

Optimizing your website makes it easier for clients to find the right products.

Cleaner XML

A cleaner XML sitemap makes Google more likely to promote your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between SEO and On Page SEO?

On Page SEO is merely optimizing your website to aid in the things that we can control, such as image keyword optimization, local data optimization, and on page keyword targeting. While it’s a great starting point it is only one front of the SEO world, and companies spend thousands of dollars a month on marketing companies to ensure that their company is at the top of the list. On Page SEO allows our clients the ability to get their basics down at an affordable level, giving them time to gain more clients to be able to afford full SEO services. 

Do you offer full SEO services?

At this time, because Sinra Brands is a one man operation, we do not offer full SEO services. We may expand our team at a later date, but for the foreseeable future that service is unavailable. 

Can I add SEO after I've had you make a website for me?

Yes, you can add on page seo services at any time after we’ve completed your website.

Is it a one time charge?

Yes, when you pay for on page seo services you only need to pay the one time. If you plan on adding a lot of content (which is advisable to boost your rankings) we can renew your on page seo for the same price each year ensuring that every page is properly optimized. 

How often should I be worried about SEO?

Google likes to update their keywords and their rankings once every 3 months, you can use sites such as Google’s Keyword Planner to see if the keywords that you originally used are still relevant. 

I hired you for on-page SEO why aren't I top of the search results?

Google and other search engines take various factors into consideration when they look at websites and increase their rankings. On page SEO is a starting point, but here are some things that search engine algorithms look at when deciding whether to boost a websites rankings:

  • Relevance:
    • Keywords: How well the content matches the search query.
    • Content quality: Originality, depth, and usefulness of the content.
    • User intent: How well the content fulfills the searcher’s intent.
  • Authority:
    • Backlinks: Quantity and quality of other websites linking to the page.
    • Domain authority: Overall trustworthiness and credibility of the domain.
    • Social signals: Engagement and sharing on social media platforms.
  • Technical Optimization:
    • Site speed: Load time and performance of the website.
    • Mobile-friendliness: Responsiveness and usability on mobile devices.
    • Secure connection: HTTPS encryption and security measures.
  • User Experience:
    • Bounce rate: How quickly users leave the website after landing on it.
    • Dwell time: How long users spend on the website after clicking on it.
    • Click-through rate (CTR): Percentage of users clicking on the website in search results.
  • Content Freshness:
    • Regular updates: Frequency of new content creation or updates to existing content.
    • Timeliness: Relevance of the content in current contexts and trends.
  • Local SEO (for Local Businesses):
    • NAP consistency: Consistency of Name, Address, and Phone number across online platforms.
    • Google My Business: Completeness and accuracy of information on Google’s local business platform.
    • Structured Data Markup:
      Use of schema.org markup to provide search engines with additional context about the content.
  • User Engagement Signals:
    • Comments: Engagement and interaction with the content through comments.
    • Social shares: Sharing of the content on social media platforms.
    • Reviews: Positive reviews and ratings from users.
  • Multimedia Content:
    • Use of images, videos, and other multimedia elements to enhance the user experience.
    • Optimization of multimedia content for search engines (e.g., alt text for images).
Does on page SEO guarantee client acquisition?

While on page seo is a great starting point for new websites, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll for sure gain clients out of it. The world of seo is incredibly intricate and there are many different things that go into it. If you need assistance on where to go after on page seo, please consult with us and we will help direct you. 
